Saturday, 31 December 2011

The only present love demands is love.

# IBecomeANurse 

the last last post of 2011 .
yesterday went out with my cousin .
went to Pavilion , Mid Vally and Sunway Pyramid
Am I Strong ? haha 
Saw my friend at Mid Vally , she become more pretty :)

He stands LikeALouSai .
Darren BoyBoy 

went to Aquarium with him and his'mummy :)

After walked Sunway Pyramid ,  went to Uptown for dinner
then back to home :)

Before you leave please click the nuffnang and this link 

Later going countdown with them and someone , hehe 

Friday, 30 December 2011

Everything you feel is temporary ♥


30 December . 0927 am
My friends , I'm back
How was you Christmas eve or Christmas?
This year Christmas Imma so happy and alot memories
I miss my friends ;)
next year trying go there again
hope can ..

Today will go back to school
but no transport because my sister's car need to repair something
Need to wait until school reopen that day buy
Still have four days , school reopen
I dont feel like go back to school
because of PMR
I dont want face it

Oh ya , 31 December
who want to countdown?
I countdown with them . haha
and I will have alot of photo
and my favourite photo
Only one ....
I will hang on my room (Y)

Yesterday went to I-city , nothing special just the colorful light and the funfair

Find a day i will post all the photo at facebook
It will be a long post .
Stay tuned ;B

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The soul cannot live without love ♥

# ILoveMyHair  

21 December 2011 . 0955 am
Morning , world .
As you can see my blog add a header , changed song and something else 
How was it ? :)
After Christmas I'll change it back , except the song and the header
Christmas still have four days and my favourite month of the year is ending soon 
Can't believe it's going to be 2012 few days more
School reopen soon  , 4 January .
I haven't buy exercise books 
On 31 December I'm trying going back to school 
Going back to school for buying books and see which class I am
Please dont drop class , I really afraid about it 
God bless me .

I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere

Have I found you
Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat 

Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold
And clean blood of Christ mountain stream

Have I found you
Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down

Before you leave , please click all the links and nuffnang . thankyou  :)

Fall in love with you is like used to smoke a cigarette, I want to know how to quit you

Friday, 16 December 2011


我不懂 TMD 有个人发神经  在我部落格的 CHATBOX 骂我
我也没有冒犯过你 况且我也不认识你

还有一位小姐 若你要拷贝我的部落格格式
你说嘛 我会给你拷贝 我很大方的
我注意你很久了 你不断地拷贝 我也不断地改
试问你 有没有自己的风格
算了 生气你们这些无聊人 免得我脑细胞一个一个的死去
为了你们俩 不值得

说说开心的事吧 ;D

还有十天就是圣诞节了耶 朋友去哪里玩啊
在面子书认识而住在古晋的朋友 PM 我说
人生地不熟 怎样去找你们啊
待会我失踪在古晋 谁来救我 哈哈

自从 Breaking Dawn Part One 上映过后 我就狂追回之前的第一集到第三集
不知神经多了哪根 差不多每一晚都发梦到 bella和edward
 一句話 , 愛死他們了 !
在電影看的第四集 是有剪輯的,我要看完整版的啦  哪個網站可以下載 ?  
第四集 part 2 要等到明年的十一月十六號,我怕我等不到 /.\
你 是否想變成吸血鬼 
我告诉你我很想變成吸血鬼 不懂为什么
或者因为他们的皮肤白皙 动作快 
真的 我超希望 下一秒的我就是吸血鬼

bella 和 edward  来自不同世界的禁忌之爱  就行雨后阳光一样温润着他们的灵魂  

别忘了 帮我按完以下所有的网站和 nuffnang 啊 拜托 

Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with tear.

Saturday, 10 December 2011


今年的生日  还是一样 呆在家,做宅女,看韩剧
没人约 一大班去了旅游 不然就是做工
有事就找你 没事就当你透明 还当作不认识
每一年的生日都有人陪 、家人
每一年都是在晚上庆祝 因为全部放工了 
但是早上就有一股冲动想去跑步 然后回家冲凉 睡觉到晚上
不会太过分吧  是不是

有人说生日许愿很准 但我不觉得很准
因为每次许愿过后 我都会随便写下 希望有人看见然后帮我实现 哈哈
今年的愿望 允许我过分的贪心 有超多的
说出来不会实现的沃 哎呀 就透出一些啦

希望明年PMR让我顺利 中四就靠它了 TT
希望人际关系更好 认识多点人 对自己有好处 
希望找个成熟的 哈哈 因为我很幼稚 所以找个成熟的  [ 我人都这么大 思想还是一样的幼稚 -3- ]
好了 这就是我透出的一点点 XD
另外 希望这个能在今年实现 就是带我去沙滩 但是年尾不可以去沙滩 
去沙滩做什么 当然是玩啦 还有可以去喊破喉咙 随便发泄 哈哈

自己觉得 生日不一定要庆祝啊 是妈咪生我的 妈咪生我的时候 很辛苦吧
所以 不要把妈咪摆在家里 带她出去  或者 可以煮给妈咪吃  
我觉得这样就满足了 对不  

听说有月全食 月全食是怎样的 我不懂也 
问姐姐 她说 不懂 叫我去 google check 
我懒 所以没有 check  月全食应该没什么大不了 
哎呀 哥哥说要买相机 买到现在都还没买 
一时要买 NIKON D5100 一时又要买 NIKON D90 
想个女人一样 婆婆妈妈的 真是 晕!

圣诞节要到了 去找喵-古晋
跟 Jeremy , Lorrecca , 很淑女的淑铭 一起去
那时一定很疯 这样才好玩 哈哈
你 圣诞一个人?跟我说啦 跟我们一起疯 XDD
提起圣诞 有朋友说 要约一起出来 去那里都好 
住个五天四夜 一起过圣诞 一起跨年 
我说 很好的主意 但你们都还没决定 我应该不能 因为还没回来

还有两年的时间 就可以学自己驾车了 就是等那个该死的车牌
如果不需要这个车牌 我早就可以自己驾车了 
自己驾车 那时多么美好的事情 :D
就算有车牌 都没有车给我 算 还有两年嘛 

明天谁要约我的,Inbox 我 XDD
还有还有 帮我click 完这些 link 和 nuffnang 
记得留言、关注 啊 :D
谢谢你 、我请你吃糖果 :)

Let it go. What happened yesterday is over.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Skycraper ♥

I come here again . HAHAA
It's December ,the last month of 2011 
that means 2012 is coming
whaa , so fast man 

oh no , next year im having Pmr 
got abit pressure laarhh
on Pmr that time sure damn nervous lorr
(who does not have pressure , lol )

I'm December baby , start countdown now :)
and today is my friend birthday 
Jenny Wenn
her's boyfriend ask me do a video 
wanna watch the video ?
i did but not nice
i'm sick 
fever , headache , cough , sore throat
i feel better now
everyday eat three times :|

before you leave help me click the nuffnang and this link
thank you :) 

When we are young, we may want several love experiences.
 But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, 
the whole life will not be enough

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

morning ;) ♥

yuhuuu  ~ 
 my readers , I'm back to M'sia 
everybody miss me ? :P
I am not quite used to the weather here
Taiwan's weather quite cool now
13 degrees - 17 degrees
I like the weather :D

hmm , actually i already forgot what happen at Taiwan . LOLLL
so i just when to ZhangHua and Taipei 
i feel that  more lively at taipei

Taiwan's rapid transit and buses are very convenient
however, Taiwan's road a lot, also bit of a mess
not recognize the road, and sometimes does not return to home . _.
anyway , I love the Taiwan  
and I miss Taiwan .

lazy to say so just post some picture .

first day at zhanghua , my sister was so excited .
always called me help her take photo -0-
then my skill she dont like 
keep complaint 
(ish ish )

in the morning , mummy bought alot of food /.\
all also buy for herself 
(Im eating now , yummy :P )

Mr.38 . <3

eat , walk , play , took picture 
first day ended.

day 2 .
went to Sun Moon Lake - 日月潭

after went to Sun Moon Lake 
i really forget how was the trip
so skip .

dunno day 3 or day 4 
we went to YangMing Moutain 
12 degrees 
wind so strong , even i cant walk .

look for Yangming Moutain ?

when i took picture with my sister 
she will hide behind of me 
then i ask her why you always hide behind of me 
she say 
because of this she will look younger


meow ~ 


盐疏鸡 , nice to eat  .
I want eat one more time :'(

巨無霸霜淇淋 .


then back to M'sia 

just random about my trip laa ~ 
that's all :)
hope that next yr after PMR go again :P

let's show you  our ‘TROPHY ’ :PP

tata ;)